Subject: Re: illegal network routes and a ponderance
To: Pavel Cahyna <>
From: David Laight <>
List: tech-net
Date: 02/20/2003 10:00:26
On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 10:26:57AM +0100, Pavel Cahyna wrote:
> > > Please, what exactly are "Co-located subnets"?
> > 
> > Ones that are on the same physical LAN segment.
> Thanks, now I understand your example better, but not fully. What was
> the systems' configured 'metric 0' route? Why didn't it work when
> everybody was sending packets to the router? The router was supposed to
> route between those subnets, no?

Because it told everyone in the 1.0 subnet that it was the route to
the 2.0 subnet - which all the machines should have treated as local
and done arps for.  It should only have advertised itself as the route
to the 4.0 subnet.

The system was (more or less) capable of transferring the traffic
onto the private subnet, but no way could it cope with the traffic
that sat on the main LAN.

That particular LAN was also bridged for non-IP traffic, I identified
over 1000 different MAC addresses on it.


David Laight: