Subject: Re: Getting a WMP-11 wireless card to work with an Alpha
To: Julian Coleman <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: tech-net
Date: 01/03/2003 18:38:24
On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 03:41:57PM +0000, Julian Coleman wrote:
> wi0: record read mismatch, rid=fc01, got=0
This probably means bus_space_read_multi_stream_2 does not work properly
for the pcmcia bus space tag the wi driver gets passed.
> So, I guess that the wi driver doesn't (yet) work on alphas. At a guess, the
> problem is in wi_read_bap() in wi.c.
Sounds more like a bus_space problem to me
The wi driver is known to work on (at least) i386, sparc, macppc and sparc64,
so it is IMHO pretty unlikely to have inherent failure modes for alpha.