Subject: Re: VLAN + bridging problems
To: William Waites <>
From: Dobromir Montauk <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/12/2002 11:05:38
> As it is, there are four possible setups for a bridge:
> - vlan and vlan as members of a bridge -- this works correctly because
>   vlan_input calls  ether_input recursively after it  has stripped the
>   header and neither parent interface is the member of a bridge.
> - vlan and ether (not parent of  vlan) -- this works correctly as long
>   as  tagged packets  are never  recieved on  the ether  interface. If
>   tagged packets are recieved, an extra header gets tacked on.
> - vlan and ether (parent of  vlan)  -- this will not work for the same
>   reason -- ether must recieve tagged packets.
> - ether and ether -- this is the repeater scenario above
> Your setup is the third one, no?
> Basically    the  the   third  and   fourth  scenarios   are  mutually
> exclusive. The configuration option you are asking for would be a flag
> that would toggle between the two, correct?
I had setup 3 originally.  I've tried setting up #2 instead, with two
ethers, but the ether#2 is receiving the tagged packets, and the vlan is
not.  I couldn't figure out how to reverse this, so forwarding didn't work
either.  How do I get ether to ignore vlan packets & have vlan#95 get them

Thanks for your clarifications!
