Subject: Re: Mysterious arp error
To: None <>
From: Peter. Bex <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/12/2002 21:22:45
Quoting Manuel Bouyer <>:

> A shoot in the dark, but you may be missing a call to IFQ_SET_READY()
> in
> mtd_config(), in the Initialize ifnet structure section.
> Look at sys/dev/ic/tulip.c and sys/dev/pci/if_tl.c for examples.
> BTW, you may want to convert this to using ether_ioctl.
> You need to provide ifp->if_init and ifp->if_stop callbacks, but this
> will make your ioctl function much much simpler.

Both things are quite new, and I seem to have an older NetBSD.
I forgot how fast this updating of CURRENT goes, but I upgraded when I first started coding (that's a while back of course) so it's not /that/ old.
I'll upgrade the kernel (matter of fact, I'm downloading it now!) and also my own code so it uses the ether_ioctl & IFQ_SET_READY.

I found the cause of all my trouble: I forgot to include "opt_inet.h". Call me stupid, please do :)
When I looked at the latest tulip.c (as suggest by you), I noticed how old my version actually is. The opt_* includes aren't even used anymore by tulip.c...

I couldn't find in any documentation on about how to contribute source to NetBSD. What should I do once I've finished my driver?
I still have some problems (the card won't send anything, receiving isn't a problem, though), so it'll still take a while before I'm at a 'release point'. :)

Peter Bex

> -- 
> Manuel Bouyer <>
> --

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