Subject: Re: Mysterious arp error
To: Peter. Bex <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 09/10/2002 22:24:31
On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 07:35:36PM +0200, Peter. Bex wrote:
> Hello again,
> My network driver is almost finished -- I hope :), anyway at least I understand mbufs (*shame*, those are quite simple) and I almost understand DMA -- but now I keep getting the following error when I try to 'ping' another computer:
> arpresolve: can't allocate llinfo
> Now, I've searched the NetBSD mail archives, and lots of people keep running into this problem.
> The problem has been known since 1995 or so, but I'm running NetBSD-Current.
> I haven't found a satisfactory explanation of the cause of this problem, except that it 'has something to do with wrong routes'.

It's usually a problem with an IP address/mask not recorded properly.
As you're developing a driver I suspect it has to do with the way you handle
the ioctls. Can you post your code ?

Manuel Bouyer <>