Subject: Re: no v4, slip this time
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/17/2002 08:26:58
>Does anyone know of any work done to do something SLIP-like for IPv6?
>It would be pretty much a no-brainer to extend SLIP to handle IPv6; it
>could even be done compatibly (in that the same line could handle v4
>and v6 intermixed). I had a quick gander through the RFCs and didn't
>see anything; I conjecture that everyone who's wanted v6 has gone with
>PPP. But PPP is unsatisfactory to me in various ways, which is why I'm
>using SLIP in the first place.
>I would just hack on if_sl* except that if someone _has_ done something
>of the sort, I'd like to at least consider being compatible.
slip wire protocol does not have any indication of protocol being
exchanged, so it is only for IPv4.