Subject: Re: PF_PACKET ???
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/21/2001 15:09:27
In message <>Andrew Brown writes
>[apparent violent agreement elided]
I thought we were politely disagreeing about the utility of PF_PACKET...?
>>Andrew, please dont take this the wrong way, but have you ever
>>tried to use this monstrosity?
>which? bpf (yes) or PF_PACKET (no)? a "raw" bpf or libpcap?
I meant PF_PACKET. Mogul, Rashid and Acceta outlined the problems with
PF_PACKET-style architecture 14 years ago in DEC WRL-TR-87-2,
some 10 years before Linux PF_PACKET.
(I used packetfilter in anger way back when; and to collect my
thesis data, i did pretty much what MJR et. al did to bpf.)