Subject: SysKonnect SK9D driver support
To: Tech Net <>
From: B. James Phillippe <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/21/2001 01:19:53

Pardon a newbie question...

I have just started working with the SysKonnect SK9D adapter on Linux-2.4
for a project at work.  SysKonnect releases their Linux driver under the
GPL (for the latest boards, it is still a patch, but for the SK98 board it
is part of the 2.4 kernel).  I am wondering if there is any kind of support
for this board (the SK9D, not SK98) under NetBSD.

If not, what is the general rule regarding porting of drivers from Linux to
*BSD?  I would guess that it is "you can't, really", because of the
infectious GPL.  But I would love to be proved wrong.

Any comments?

# bryanxms at ecst dot csuchico dot edu
# Software Engineer