Subject: Re: kerberos on laptops
To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/31/2000 13:13:21
In some email I received from John Hawkinson, sie wrote:
> | The only part of this that can really be solved within the Kerberos
> | model is keeping logins from hanging and using local authentication.
> I'm somewhat puzzled why there is any hanging at all. Surely if there
> is no default route, then kerberos should not need a timeout in order
> to realize there is no kdc?
> Also, I think it's rather problematic that the presence of krb5.conf
> controls whether or not Kerberos is used by various programs like
> login. In my laptop's environment, I use kerberos for some specific
> applications, but not for authorization of login. So I have to have
> an /etc/not.krb5.conf and setenv KRB5_CONFIG to /etc/not.krb5.conf
> in my dotfiles. Otherwise login hangs interminably. This is
> annoying and frustrating. I haven't gotten around to PR-ing it only
> because I haven't had time to think about it.
Surely this is an indication that there's the need for a kerberos switch
for nsswitch.conf and passwd information ?