Subject: Re: Detecting NetBSD 1.5
To: None <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/13/2000 19:47:13
>>>>> "Todd" == Todd Vierling <> writes:
    Todd> #endif : #endif : ], [actions])

    Todd> Make that a >= and you'll be set.

  oops, yeah.

    Todd> However, if you're explicitly looking vor /usr/local/v6, couldn't
    Todd> you look to see if <netinet/in6.h> exists in the cpp search path

  It was looking for KAME in <netinet/in.h>, which works, but
then it expects to link -linet6 and use stuff from /uusr/local/lib/v6.

    Todd> *before* looking for KAME?  You could then skip the KAME check
    Todd> altogether and not worry about whether it was NetBSD or some other
    Todd> OS that integrated IPv6, or even someone explicitly setting
    Todd> CPPFLAGS for configure to slurp.

  That's probably a good idea.
  I'll suggest it when I send in my patches to the author.

   :!mcr!:            |  Solidum Systems Corporation,
   Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster<tm>