Subject: Re: ifconfig compile problems
To: Mike Pelley <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/27/2000 12:38:02
>I've noticed that I can no longer compile ifconfig on the main branch.
>Revision 1.86 compiles ok, but 1.87 and 1.88 do not (on my system at least -
>i386 1.5_ALPHA ;o).
>I was playing with ifconfig so I was simply typing 'make' in the
>src/sbin/ifconfig directory - have I left out a step?
>The following is the output from make for the current revision (1.88):

	are you trying to compile ifconfi from main trunc, on top of 1.5_ALPHA
	userland?  i don't think that will work, as header files are different.
	pleaes be sure to use files from the same source, and be sure to
	use the latest header files with latest source.
