Subject: Re: ppsratelimit for ipv4?
To: John Hawkinson <jhawk@MIT.EDU>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/09/2000 23:49:30
John Hawkinson writes:
> | This should all be part of QoS under NetBSD.
> I don't really see what QOS has to do with this discussion.
> That sounds very seperate to me.

Hmm, what is the point of preventing a DoS if you aren't interested
in QoS?  Ensuring that resources are shared appropriately and can't
be "hogged" by one user (e.g. a DoS) are fundamental to QoS, IMHO.
Certainly "rate limiting" and "queueing" are very different from a
policy perspective, but the underlying software is more or less the same.
e.g. I might want to implement Weighted Fair Queuing on a WAN link, while
also limiting specific traffic (like ICMP) to a certain rate.  Or I may
want to reserve a certain amount of bandwidth for a specific flow.

Andrew Gillham                            | NetBSD ist Affengeil.                     | Nachts ist es kaelter
I speak for myself, not for my employer.  | als draussen.