Subject: Re: openssh/ssh
To: Andrew Brown <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/01/2000 00:45:47
>>	the v1/v2 migration trouble in scp is there because, with's
>>	SSH v1 and SSH v2 installation, you have two binaries - ssh1 and ssh2.
>well...three, sort of: ssh1, ssh2, and ssh.
>>	If my understanding is correct, with openssh, you have single "ssh" 
>>	binary that supports both v1 and v2.  so I don't think there's similar
>>	trouble.  At least, I have never experienced this particular trouble
>>	with openssh.
>if openssh supports both, then that seems much easier.  i'll have to
>check into it.  thanks.

	I've upgraded pkgsrc/security/openssh to 2.1.0p3.  it smoothly
	supports both SSH protocol v1 and v2.  enjoy!
	(and please report breakage due to the upgrade, if any)
