Subject: multiport NIC cards with common DMA engines.
To: None <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/07/2000 13:33:36
We are porting the FreeBSD SysKonnect gigabit ethernet driver to NetBSD.
At present we don't have their dual-port card, but we will be
getting one. The SysKonnect has a single DMA engine on the card and
a pair of Xaqti MACs on it.
I believe the correct behaviour would be us to create an attachment for the
DMA device, create a logical bus behind it, and then attach two devices
behind that. Are there simpler ways? The FreeBSD driver appears to cheat.
:!mcr!: | Solidum Systems Corporation,
Michael Richardson |For a better connected world,where data flows faster<tm>