Subject: Split traffic between two internet links?
To: None <>
From: Fernando Diniz Hammerli <>
List: tech-net
Date: 03/17/2000 09:36:05
Hi, (Sorry for my bad english)

I have the following problem:

I need to splt my internet traffic for two links, depending on the origin 
(Currently I'm using a NetBSD firewall/filter)

   ------------------------         ------------------------
      INTERNET - Link 1                 INTERNET - Link 2
   ------------------------         ------------------------
                |                              |
                |                              |
                |                              | 
                |    ---------------------     |
                -----| FIREWALL / FILTER |------
      |               My Internal Network                   |
    xx.xx.zz.ww                                        xx.xx.10.yy

(The links are connected via ethernet cable)

I want only the packets coming from xx.xx.10.yy to be routed via link 2, 
otherwise must be via link 1.

How can I do this? 
How can I have default gateways for both links at the routing table?

Can I do this under NetBSD? (Other OS?)

Thanks in advance,

Fernando Diniz Hammerli

Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro
Rua Marques de Sao Vicente, 225 - RDC - Sala 205
Gavea / Rio de Janeiro / RJ - CEP: 22453-900
Tel: (21) 529-9421