Subject: Re: awi patch against 1.7
To: None <>
From: Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/08/1999 17:28:50
> the patch is against 1.7. this includes micheal's fixes and
> fix to mbuf duplicated free issue. works quite fine for me
> except roaming issues.
Don't we need something like this? This may be one of reasons
for lockup (if a packet spans across multiple descriptor, the
driver may go into infinite loop).
Index: awi.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/kame/kame/netbsd/sys/dev/ic/awi.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -c -r1.5 awi.c
*** awi.c 1999/11/08 16:06:13 1.5
--- awi.c 1999/11/08 22:28:38
*** 1302,1308 ****
--- 1387,1400 ----
/* XXX deal with dummy frames here?? */
+ if (cur == next) {
+ printf("possible infinite loop\n");
+ break;
+ }
cur = next;
+ next = awi_read_4(sc, cur + AWI_RXD_NEXT);
state = awi_read_1(sc, cur + AWI_RXD_HOST_DESC_STATE);
len = awi_read_2 (sc, cur + AWI_RXD_LEN);
rate = awi_read_1 (sc, cur + AWI_RXD_RATE);