Subject: Poor NFS-performance
To: None <>
From: Anders Welen <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/17/1999 10:11:21
I'm having problem with really poor NFS performance between NetBSD and
Solaris 2.6.

Server: NetBSD 1.4
Client:	Solaris 2.6 (SPARC)

Other clients (NetBSD and Linux) have no performance problems with
this NFS-server.

I've not found any report of problems in the system logs.

There's no problem with the network besides NFS.

What do "Server Ret-Failed" means (reported by nfsstat).
(This value is the only one I seen that are unusual high.)


  .~.   Anders Welen, Mandator AB
 / V \  URL:
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  ^ ^          (Replace "nospam" with "mandator")