Subject: Re: atalk patch
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/20/1999 13:03:55
On Tue, 20 Jul 1999, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Hi,
> unless there is serious complain, I'll commit the attached patch next
> thursday. It's needed to get netatalk work properly on a network
> with routers and blocks of addresses.
> In initial discution about this, the only objection was that this add a
> dependency to netatalk in net/if.c, which previsously did'nt have any.
> Now there are also a dependency to INET6, so I think the argument is not
> valid any more.
Looks fine.
> I have some idea to solve this problem on a more general basis (i.e. avoid
> #ifdef FOO in ethersubr.h and other similar files as well) which should
> allow us to load protocols as module (currently not possible because of
> the entry needed in each network layer module).
> I started playing with this, but it'll take a long time to have this done
> rigth.
Sounds like a good way to go!
Take care,