Subject: older fxp's and kern/7567
To: None <>
From: John Darrow <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/09/1999 10:05:50
I was wondering if anyone has had a chance to look at kern/7567, regarding
older Intel EtherExpress cards not working above 10/HDX.  We've got a number
of said cards around.  Many are in servers running pre-1.4 versions of
netbsd which we would like to upgrade, but can't until this problem is

Specifically, the problem hits the older cards with 82557 chips and nsphys,
and doesn't affect the newer cards with 82558/9 chips and inphys.  The older
cards also seem to work fine with 1.3-branch netbsd, before the newer phy
stuff went in.

I know Jason said he'd take a look at it when he got a chance (and is
currently listed as responsible for the pr), but haven't seen anything since
(though I know how busy he is...)


John Darrow - Senior Technical Specialist               Office: 630/752-5201
Computing Services, Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL 60187  Fax:    630/752-5968