Subject: Re: Newbie question(just switched from linux)
To: Christos Zoulas <>
From: David Heller <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/29/1999 23:39:27
Christos Zoulas wrote:
> In article <> (David Heller) writes:
> >Hi All,
> >
> > I'm hoping a kind person can help with a few simple questions. I want
> >to set up my networking so I can connect to the outside world using Time
> >Warner's Road Runner service. I have the rrd client and perl set up to
> >use it. But I'm confused as to how to set up the dhcpc-client config
> >files properly.
> Can you be more specific? Like what is your config file now? What does
> dhclient say?
> Also my kernel does not appear to see both ethernet
> >cards (3Com 3C509 ISA cards w/plugnpray disabled) do I have to fiddle
> >with irq's etc or do I need to recompile my kernel?. I set up my Linux
> >to do this however I'm finding NetBSD is not quite the same as far as
> >configuring. All comments or help are welcome.
> Does it see one of them? Which kernel are you using? I think that the
> GENERIC kernel has support only for ep0 at isa. You might want to
> turn plug and play on both cards and let the pnp driver take over.
> Otherwise you probably need to compile a custom kernel.
> christos
Thanks I will try turning on PlugnPray on my 3Com cards. As far as config files go the dhcp howto
mentions a file called netstart.local. I can't find that anywhere in my system. the howto mentions
adding the following line "dhclient ep0" to netstart.local.
I do have the file netstart, is this what he/she means? I am running NetBSD 1.4 maybe the files are
different from 1.3 ? . It takes a while to check on this stuff because my NetBSD is on the same
machine as my Windoze 98 machine.