Subject: Re: Ongoing projects
To: Andrew Doran <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/07/1999 14:54:24
Andrew Doran writes:
> [Cc:'d to tech-net because I think it's worth discussion].
> From the ppp(8) manpage below. Yes, probably not a good idea for leased
> line
> operation, but for operation over analogue/PSTN devices, ppp(8) is great
> (I
> regularly see 5-30, sometimes 90k *bytes*/sec over 33.6 modem w/ppp(8)).
> Can
> we not provide both, and let users decide? ppp(8) has a different
> feature-domain
> than pppd(8).
This can really achieve 30:1 compression rates? Over what period
of time, and what kind of files? I can see it easily reaching 5KB/sec,
or more, but 30KB/sec, or 90KB/sec? For text files 10:1 doesn't seem
completely unreachable, but 30:1 with any kind of "normal" traffic?
With 'lptest 79 10000' gzip -9 gets like 147:1 compression. Using
'/usr/games/banner' and an english sentence, gzip -9 gets about 40:1.
On one of our routers with a hardware compression card, we're seeing a
compression ration of 2.213 with about 550MB of typical traffic.
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.