Subject: Re: Unnumbered interfaces and routing entries
To: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
From: Bill Sommerfeld <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/10/1998 11:05:19
> The 4.4BSD routing doesn't go to interfaces, but rather:
> - if it is a broadcast medium, to the network address (local address masked
> by netmask)
> - if it is a p2p interface, to the REMOTE address of the link, not to the local
> one.
> The local address of a p2p link is use to create the from IP address, and to
> decide packets are "ours", but not for the outgoing routing.

as I understand it, the `destination address' of a p2p link could be
used as a `magic cookie' so you can `route add' it, because the `route
add' doesn't support the concept of routing to interfaces; the router
at the other end of the link need not actually listen to packets to
that address.

There are many people out there who regard the BSD point-to-point
`destination address' concept as just plain broken..

			 		- Bill