Subject: Re: NetBSD master CVS tree commits
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/31/1997 11:09:07
   >Just put it under tcp and document that it impacts udp as well.
   Why not make it two sysctl's that control both tcp and udp?
   There is some precent for this; Solaris lets you set
   {tcp,udp}_{smallest,largest}_anon_port using ndd.

the problem with both of these is that it affects anything using
pcbbind (i'm not sure if anything else besides tcp and udp does,
but that's not the point).  and (now i'm stretching my memory,
hopefully luke or charles will correct me if i'm wrong :-) as
the change was made in one place, there's no (easy) way to tell
whether you're binding a port for tcp or udp.