Subject: Re: Multicast ethernet question
To: None <tech-net@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Heiko W.Rupp <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/04/1997 17:15:54
Jonathan Stone wrote:
|I think the convention is that each protocols does its own checking,
|and your driver doesn't need to at all.
Yes and no. IP can do it for you. But if the card has already the possibility
to filter out packets that no one wants, then there is less work to do at
If you have to put the card into promiscous mode on a lan with much
multicast traffic, performance will suffer.
See <a href="">NetBSD</a> for a multiplatform OS
Pilot: LM 184 is at holding fix again (for the seventh time)
Radar: What's your destination?
Pilot: standby, I forgot, I have to ask the copilot.