Subject: Re: accept() call
To: Christian Kuhtz <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-net
Date: 02/04/1997 19:20:47
new_socket=accept(socket,(struct sockaddr *)&cli_addr,&sizeof(cli_addr));
you can't take the address of a number. sizeof() "returns" a number.
that's like trying to say:
accept(foo, bar, &4);
Why is accept() declared as "int accept(int, struct sockaddr *, int *)" and
not "int accept(int, struct sockaddr *, int)"? Why can't I typecast this
silly argument without having to waste another temporary variable?
it's passed as a pointer because the accept system call may alter the
size of it. in netbsd-current, sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.c:sys_accept(),
look at the block of code starting at line 207:
if (SCARG(uap, name)) {
Heck, looking at the implementation in Rich Steven's TCP/IP Illustrated Vol
II, p. 458, it does even seem like it is using the third argument (retval) at
[ ... ]
retval is _not_ the third argument. retval is the return value of the
system call -- in your example i've quoted above, it is eventually
assigned to `new_socket'.
retval after that, both being local to the procedure (well, sort of). And
since I have never seen anyone passing anything but sizeof() the sockaddr arg
down to accept(), what's the point?
different sockaddr structures have different sizes. eg, sockaddr_un is
not the same size as sockaddr_in.