Subject: Re: Change time for /etc/daily
To: None <tech-misc@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-misc
Date: 10/27/1997 15:57:35
>> [...] HP-UX [...]

> [I]t handles it this way:

>       When a command is specified to run at an ambiguous time, the command
>       is executed only once at the first occurrence of the ambiguous time.

>       When a command is specified to run at a nonexistent time, the command
>       is executed after the specified time by an amount of time equal to the
>       DST-shift.  When such an adjustment would conflict with another time
>       specified to run the command, the command is run only once rather than
>       running the command twice at the same time.

These seem reasonable, and the first paragraph as written amounts to my
remark about freezing all runs during the second copy of the 01-02 (or
02-03, or whatever) hour.

>       Commands that are scheduled to run during all hours (there is a * is
>       in the hour field of the crontab entry) are scheduled without any
>       adjustment.

The problem with this is places that have DSTish steps that aren't by
exact numbers of hours.  I think I've heard of somewhere that steps by
half an hour, and then there are places that run on solar time, with
little steps more or less constantly.  Now, I don't know how well such
places are supported by NetBSD at present....

					der Mouse

		     7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B