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Re: XEN3_DOM0 cpu_bootconf() and bootdev=xxx failure (Christoph Badura) writes:

>With "raidctl -A softroot raid0" the XEN3_DOM0 kernel does not detect
>raid0 as root device. 

raidframe checks if the system was booted from one of the raid components
marked as softroot and only then forces the kernel to mount partition 'a'
of that raid as root.

NetBSD/xen doesn't know where it was booted from, it assumes
that this is the first (in ROOT_FIRST order) registered disk device.
You can pass a bootdev on the Xen command line that will be used
to find a booted_device, if it isn't found the command line argument
is passed to MI code as a bootspec (not booted_device) instead.

>It also doesn't detect raid0 as root device when
>the dom0 kernel is loaded with "bootdev=raid0".

raidframe searches for a component as 'booted_device', so you need to make
Xen set 'booted_device' to a component. But raidframe has another magic
that it will not match a '/dev/dk*' component. Instead, it will use
the parent device of the wedge to match 'booted_device'.

So, assuming 'raid0' has a component 'dk0' which is based on 'wd0', it
should work to specify 'wd0' as bootdev.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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