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Re: Locking strategy for device deletion (also see PR kern/48536)

  Just wondering here - for pseudo-devices, is it really necessary to
  remove the autoconf stuff at all?  It's not clear to me where it even
  gets added in the case of modularly-loaded pseudo-devices...

Yes.  See, e.g., cgd_modcmd.  In addition to cgd_cdevsw, there is also
a struct cfdriver object, cgd_cd, that must be detached, i.e. removed
from allcfdrivers.
Ah, OK.

But, for ipfilter, there is no struct cfdriver. Since one never gets added to the list, I guess I don't need to worry about removing it.

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
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