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Re: Unallocated inode

On Tue, Sep 02, 2014 at 06:15:49PM -0400, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> On Sep 2,  2:27pm, (Paul Ripke) wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: Unallocated inode
> | Yeah, that's what scares me - it was the daily rsync and security cron
> | jobs starting to generate errors that alerted me - those inodes must've
> | been marked partially allocated only recently. Makes me wish I dumped
> | out the contents of those two inodes before running the fsck (maybe
> | fsdb should be able to do that?).
> Yes, I think fsdb can do that...

Ok, this happened again. And with a tweaked fsdb, I get:

fsdb (inum: 125770625)> print
command `print
current inode 125770625: unallocated inode
current inode: unallocated
I=125770625 MODE=0 SIZE=0
        MTIME=Jan  1 10:00:00 1970 [0 nsec]
        CTIME=Nov 25 10:34:43 2014 [282996506 nsec]
        ATIME=Jan  1 10:00:00 1970 [0 nsec]
OWNER=root GRP=wheel LINKCNT=0 FLAGS=0x0 BLKCNT=0x0 GEN=0x0

Nothing was being touched in that part of the filesystem at the time...
I think the CTIME may be related to me mv'ing the file elsewhere, the
time somewhat matches. I find this somewhat scary. For reference:

slave:ksh$ uptime
10:48AM  up 185 days, 10:02, 22 users, load averages: 0.10, 0.12, 0.09
slave:ksh$ uname -a
NetBSD slave 6.1_STABLE NetBSD 6.1_STABLE (SLAVE) #4: Fri May 23 23:42:30 EST 2014  stix@slave:/home/netbsd/netbsd-6/obj.amd64/home/netbsd/netbsd-6/src/sys/arch/amd64/compile/SLAVE amd64
slave:ksh$ dumpfs -s /home
file system: /dev/rraid0g
format  FFSv2
endian  little-endian
location 65536  (-b 128)
magic   19540119        time    Tue Nov 25 10:53:00 2014
superblock location     65536   id      [ 4f0a6e35 5072c3da ]
cylgrp  dynamic inodes  FFSv2   sblock  FFSv2   fslevel 5
nbfree  43523811        ndir    485483  nifree  225883757       nffree  1938557
ncg     10072   size    953688576       blocks  924600521
bsize   16384   shift   14      mask    0xffffc000
fsize   2048    shift   11      mask    0xfffff800
frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 2
bpg     11836   fpg     94688   ipg     22976
minfree 5%      optim   time    maxcontig 4     maxbpg  2048
symlinklen 120  contigsumsize 4
maxfilesize 0x000080100202ffff
nindir  2048    inopb   64
avgfilesize 16384       avgfpdir 64
sblkno  40      cblkno  48      iblkno  56      dblkno  2928
sbsize  2048    cgsize  16384
csaddr  2928    cssize  161792
cgrotor 0       fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   0x02
wapbl version 0x1       location 2      flags 0x0
wapbl loc0 1907406880   loc1 131072     loc2 512        loc3 3
flags   wapbl
fsmnt   /home
volname         swuid   0

Paul Ripke
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds
 discuss people."
-- Disputed: Often attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt. 1948.

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