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SCSI sense


I am still working on  ltfs, after having switched to tls-maxphys branch.
I have an issue with SCSI sense data. I understand it is used by the
hardware to explain an error. 

When using SCIOCCOMMAND, in most situation I have either 
1) retsts=SCCMD_OK, status=SCSI_OK and no sense, or 
2) retsts=SCCMD_SENSE, status=SCSI_CHECK, and sense retured with reply

However, I also have on SCSI_READ_6_COMMAND:
retsts=SCCMD_UNKNOWN, status=SCSI_CHECK, and no sense (senslen_used=0)

I understood I should isse a request sense command to know what happened, 
but I suspect there is an option somewhere to have it returned with the
SCSI_READ_6_COMMAND reply. Or is it a bug?

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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