> I re-enabled -o log and did the dd test again on NetBSD 6.0 with the > patch you posted and vfs.wapbl.verbose_commit=2 I wouldn't expect anything interesting from this, but maybe hannken@ does. > Running my stress test, which drives load to insane values: How often do these log flushes occur? During the stess phase, what does iostat -D -x -w 1 show for the raid and for the components, especially in the time column? During the stress, do you see small synchronous writes in NFS traffic? I attach two small shell scripts I wrote to extract statistics from tcpdump output. Both operate either on a pcap file, e.g. the output of tcpdump ... -s slen -w file port nfs (where I don't remember what the minimum slen is to capture all relevant info) or a textual tcpdump -vvv output (which is usually smaller), e.g. tcpdump ... -s 0 -vvv port nfs >file As output, you get a list of NFS calls and a count (nfsstat) or a list of write calls ordered by size/sync and their counts.
Description: Bourne shell script
Description: Bourne shell script