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Re: Core statement on directory naming for kernel modules

On Fri, 27 Jul 2012 17:28:14 -0700 (John Nemeth) wrote:

> On Dec 17,  1:58pm, Matthew Mondor wrote:
> } This reminds me though: why/how does sysctl/kern.module.autoload
> } default to 1 for non-MODULAR kernels (at least on netbsd-6)?  Or an
> } alternative question: are these sysctl knobs useful at all with
> } non-MODULAR kernels, or are they then artifacts?
>      Good question.  Non-MODULAR kernels still have parts of the MODULAR
> subsystem in order to initialise built-in modules.  However, the linking
> code isn't there, so it would be impossible to load a module.  I'll make
> a note to trim some of the excess stuff in non-MODULAR kernels.

Indeed the linker isn't there, which was confirmed using nm when I
initially noticed those knobs.

Thank you for looking into this,

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