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Re: updating COMPAT_LINUX for linux 2.6.x support.


Chuck Silvers <> wrote:
> hi folks,
> I've started looking at what it would take to update COMPAT_LINUX
> to allow changing the emulated linux kernel version to 2.6.x.


> (2) what linux kernel version do we want to claim to be in uname?
>     it would be good for this to be at least as recent as the
>     kernel matching what we choose in (1).  but it would good to avoid
>     going too wild with this, to keep the amount of new emul code
>     that's needed to a minimum.

Well, we should probably update the list of emulated syscalls and see how
many of them we can properly support.  Depending on that, figure out a
highest version to claim.

>     I tried following the suggestion in PR 37437 (moving the ps_sigignore
>     and ps_sigcatch fields from struct sigctx to struct sigacts, which is
>     shared between linux threads), and I moved p_sigpend from struct proc
>     to struct sigacts as well.  this, together with other fixes allows
>     all of the netbsd libpthread regression tests to pass (except the one
>     that also fails natively on linux), and gives much improved results
>     on the LTP/posixtest tests.  I put my current diff (still larded with
>     debug stuff and with linux stuff hardcoded instead of called through
>     new emul callbacks) in:

This way adds locking overhead and extra complexity we do not really want
in the native signalling code.  As Andrew suggested in the PR, perhaps a
better way would be re-using a proc_t::p_lock, with reference counting on
the lock, i.e. using mutex_obj_hold(9).  But see below..

>     before continuing down this path, I was wondering if it would be
>     possible to move from the current way of supporting linux threads
>     (each linux thread is a separate netbsd process, with extra sharing
>     happening behind the scenes) to the native netbsd way (1 process with
>     multiple LWPs)?  the only problem I can think of is that something
>     might assume that linux thread IDs are globally unique, or that the
>     thread ID of the original thread is the same as the process ID.
>     but that seems a bit unlikely, since I don't see any place that the
>     linux thread ID is used (thought I could easily have missed that).
>     does anyone know of any reason why this wouuldn't work?

Right, I think supporting Linux threads (of NPTL world) as native LWPs,
instead of processes is a major step we need to do.  Apart from potential
performance advantages, that should avoid p_sigctx sharing complexity,
should not it?

AFAIK, Linux thread IDs (TIDs) are system-wide unique.  If so, we need to
ensure that.  Any reason why PID allocator cannot be re-used for that, or
perhaps even simpler way to fake it with e.g. lwp_t * pointer value?

Another thing - we need a native thread-local storage (TLS).  I suppose
we will need some support for COMPAT_LINUX too.

>     does anyone know of other work that needs to be done on COMPAT_LINUX
>     before we can usefully report ourselves as 2.6.x?

I had unfinished patch somewhere to translate asynchronous I/O functionality.
Can also improve support in few more areas, like scheduling and affinity.
What is the target, 6.0 release? :)


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