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Re: config(5) break down
config(5) has 4 ways to define a collection of sources:
initialization interface dependency
device autoconf(9) bdev/cdev y y
defpseudodev xxxattach bdev/cdev n y
defpseudo xxxattach - n y
define - - y n
I think "device" part is fine. Device drivers are configured by autoconf(9),
and defined as "device". Used with interface attributes (define xxx {}),
most of problems can be resolved. (Some complex ones like scsipi / wscons
are their problems, not config(5).)
In sys/net* and some sys/kern there're some code that can be modular. Most
of them are defined as either defpseudo or define. If it's user configurable,
it should be defpseudo. If it's simply a shared code, define.
There're lots of confusions in sys/conf/files; some are defflag or defparam.
Anything which _owns_ *.c, AND user-configurable should be defpseudo. We'll
have "defpseudo inet" or "defpseudo ipsec" eventually.
defpseudo lacks some points:
- No dependency.
- No detach.
I think defpseudo's initialization and module's one can be merged. Dependency
is also addressed naturally if defpseudo is always handled as modules.
is taught about defpseudo's dependency. If config fragment like:
defpseudo inet
defpseudo gif
file if_gif.c gif
is passed, config(1) generates *.c and *.mk to build if_gif.kmod, which
depends on inet.kmod.
Masao Uebayashi / Tombi Inc. / Tel: +81-90-9141-4635
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