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re: the __ namespace in the kernel

   On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 09:44:56AM +1100, matthew green wrote:
   >    >__wdccommand_done
   >    >__wdccommand_done_end
   >    >__wdccommand_intr
   >    >__wdccommand_kill_xfer
   >    >__wdccommand_start
   >    >__wdcerror
   >    >__wdcwait
   >    >__wdcwait_reset
   >    >__wdstart
   > these seem all wdc driver private, i don't see why they can't
   > just all be renamed.
   It is; that's why I did prefix them with __ in the first place. They're
   all declared static, why would it cause namespace issues ?

is there any particular reason you want driver private to use __?
why can't you simply remove them all, if they are static?

the issue is about "all" symbols with __ start.


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