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Re: Proposal for reporting remote control button presses to userland

On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Jared D. McNeill wrote:

On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, David Brownlee wrote:

        - How would you provide a simple 'run command X for key mapping Y'?
          Could have be a simple reader of wsremoted.sock which invokes a
          command passing the key details as args, or even putting that
          functionality in wsremoted?

You will have to build one or more applications on top of wsremoted.sock to actually perform actions, its sole responsibility is to translate from raw -> buttonmap -> cooked events.

        OK, but it would be nice to ship with a very basic one that
        provides the above functionality.

        Longer term thoughts:

        - Could this replace usbhidacton?

Not sure what usbhidaction does, but it sounds specific to uhidev :)

        Well, we could end up with wsremote IR devices, btuhid
        bluetooth devices and uhib USB devices, all providing
        similar button inputs. It would be nice to have one tool
        for them all, much as we have say... different interfaces for
        mice and keyboards  :)

        - A lirc compatible reader of /var/run/wsremoted.sock would be
          a nice additional app

I was thinking either that we could provide an lirc-compatible socket or simply add support to lirc for wsremoted.sock.

        Either sounds good...


                David/absolute       -- No hype required --

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