Subject: Re: Kernel config file
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/18/2007 09:04:19
> Users shouldn't have to edit config files.

Maybe they shouldn't have to, but history indicates that they will, if
only for damage repair when something goes wrong.

One of Unix's strengths has always been that it doesn't have
configuration hidden away in non-user-editable places like the Windows
registry or VMS's AUTHORIZE database.  When it's grown such databases,
they've always been derived from master versions which *are*
human-editable (I'm thinking pwd.db and passwd as an example).

> proplib enables us to build tools to move away from having to do this
> kind of crap.  [...]

So, you want users to be able to edit them after all; you just want
them to have to use a special proplib-aware editor for the task - and,
apparently, a different one depending on which section of the file,
based on your comment about a special-purpose veriexec config tool.
This is better than using their favourite text editor they're used to
using for all other editing, exactly?

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