Subject: Re: Kernel config file
To: Quentin Garnier <>
From: Martin Husemann <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/18/2007 10:57:03
On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:45:25AM +0200, Quentin Garnier wrote:
> The point is not XML.  The point is using proplib, so you don't have to
> rewrite a ******* parser every time you add functionality or change the
> syntax of the configuration.

You are missing a point: there already is a working parser, and it has
to be extended anyway - why use a different format for the file?

Actually, if you look at the code, using proplib for this makes the
code more complicated (not a lot, but it does) - because right now
proplib does not include functions conveniently usable for config file
handling. [1]

Now if people want to completely get away with interactive userconf,
or have other plans (that might use different data in the same context),
it should be easier to discuss if those people propose the big picture

[1] I have plans to post a patch fixing that based on Jachym's work,
but I'm sure many people here will not like it ;-)