Subject: Re: GPT support still needed?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/07/2007 12:37:51
>> Just so everyone is clear -- wedges is what NetBSD is adopting
>> (albeit slowly) for the in-memory representation and user
>> presentation of disk partitions.  They will be used for all on-disk
>> partition table formats.
> So if they will be used for all on-disk partition table formats, and
> they are used for the in-memory representation, in which way are they
> separate from each other?

I think you misunderstood.

Try "They [wedges] will be used for [the in-core version of, and user
presentation of,] all on-disk partition table formats".

That is, no matter what kind of partition table is on the pack - BSD
disklabel, GPT, Apple partition map, etc - it will get turned into
wedge data structures when it is read in.

I'm sure Jason will correct me if I've got that wrong.

In this respect this is no different from what we had, which turned
everything into a "struct disklabel".  That "struct disklabel" happened
to be approximately identical to one of the on-disk formats was
convenient from one point of view but unfortunate in that it caused
people to confuse the two, leading to misunderstandings like this one.

(Note that I make no comment on whether I think any of this is good,
bad, or indifferent.  That's a debate I intend to stay out of.)

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