Subject: re: discovering underlying drive names
To: Martin J. Laubach <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/15/2006 09:37:54
   |     > Yes, that would be a perfectly fine solution if fsck would actually
   |     > honour pass numbers != 1 to order them. Sadly enough, it doesn't happen.
   |  if by "bug" you mean "works exactly as documented", then, yes.
   |  (ie, it's a mis-feature.)
     Is there any reason not to un-mis-feature it? I guess it's not as
   if anyone would depend on that behaviour or anything would break if
   pass numbers would do what one naively expects?

while kre's idea seems great as well, i wouldn't object to actually
defining passno > 1 to mean something than passno = 1.
