Subject: Re: disabling PTHREAD_CONCURRENCY for 3.0
To: None <>
From: Pavel Cahyna <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/11/2005 18:07:02
On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 05:54:46PM +0100, Hubert Feyrer wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Dec 2005, Chuck Silvers wrote:
> >since the code triggered by setting PTHREAD_CONCURRENCY causes
> >library aborts and kernel panics, I'd like to disable it for 3.0
> >since it doesn't appear that it can be fixed in time.
> The variable was available in previous releases, how do  you intend to handle 
> backward compatibility?

Why? If the variable is set and the code is missing, it won't do anything.
Nothing will break.

> I'd rather keep it, with a default of 1. This allows users to still set it 
> higher and debug things.

s/debug/break/. Think about multiuser machines. One would think that
NetBSD cares about local panics by unprivileged users...

Pavel Cahyna