Subject: Re: disabling PTHREAD_CONCURRENCY for 3.0
To: None <>
From: Matthew Mondor <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 12/10/2005 21:20:26
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005 16:41:29 -0800
Chuck Silvers <> wrote:

> we should remove the description of this stuff from the manpage as well,
> but I don't speak roff so well.  could someone suggest a way to
> comment it out there?

I'm not sure if roff supports multiple line comments, but these work,
if it can be useful:

+++ pthread.3   2005-12-10 21:17:18.000000000 -0500
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
 kernel, providing a kernel-supported MxN scheduling system.
 .Bl -tag -width PTHREAD_DEBUGCOUNTERSXX -compact
-The number of concurrent threads to be run.
-This value should at least be 1,
-and smaller than or equal to the number of CPUs.
+.\"The number of concurrent threads to be run.
+.\"This value should at least be 1,
+.\"and smaller than or equal to the number of CPUs.
 Possible values are any combinations of:
 .Bl -tag -width ignoreXX -offset indent -compact


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