Subject: Re: SoC: Efficient memory file-system
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/26/2005 12:49:58
>> [...]; I'll also be writing documentation on how to write a
>> file-system driver from scratch, similar to the Device Driver
>> Writing Guide we already have.
> Great, please do this in XML!

If you *must* use XML, please make sure it's readable with plain text
tools too!  There's little worse than documentation with useful
information in it but impossible to read (okay, very difficult and slow
to read) because it's more tags than text.  (Modern NTP comes to mind
as an example.)  About the only thing worse I can think of would be
some undocumented proprietary format like MSWord.

/~\ The ASCII				der Mouse
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