Subject: Re: S.o.C.: adding XFS support
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/09/2005 02:35:04
On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 wrote:
> After browsing the NetBSD projects page, I think of adding XFS support 
> to NetBSD as a part of Summer of Code. Do you it is a good project for 
> summer of code (and netbsd) or not ?

We sure would think it's a good thing to have, but the question is:
can you do it? You will need to know XFS, and NetBSD's filesystem code. If 
you want to port an existing implementation, you need to be familiar with 
that implementation, to write it from scratch (preferred, but much more 
effort) you'll need to know even more.

Might be useful to know a bit about your experiences to judge if it's a 
good project for SoC and _your_. :)

  - Hubert

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