Subject: netbsd32 compatibility
To: None <>
From: Dieter Roelants <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/04/2005 22:20:21

I have an amd64 system on which I was hoping to do package builds for =20
amd64 as well as for i386. I built and installed a i386 release in a =20
separate root and started building some stuff to test. The first few =20
pkgs were no problem but the configure of devel/glib2 fails because a =20
test program it creates, uses timer_create(2). This call is not (yet) =20
implemented in netbsd32 compat. So now, my questions;
- Are timer_create and some other timer_* calls particularly hard to =20
emulate or is it something that nobody felt like doing yet?
- Are there easier ways to accomplish what I'm trying? Installing some =20
userland emulator maybe? (perhaps this question doesn't belong on this =20
- somewhat unrelated; is there any reason why the changes Frank van der =20
Linden made in were =20
not pulled up to netbsd-3?

thanks for any answers,

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