Subject: Re: Melting down your network [Subject changed]
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/28/2005 22:34:34
> That's the whole point: what you are doing *is* harmful.

To whom?

> I used the word 'evil' advisedly and literally.  It may may even well
> be a crime or liable under civil law, in some jurisdictions.

What jurisdiction would criminalize redlining your own network?

If (mis)applied to, or over, networks you don't have authority over,
yes, it could be.  But heck, so can ping -f (or even ping without -f);
shall we remove that too?

> I would much, much rather we stop it now, before it ever gets
> anywhere near that stage.  Wouldn't you?

No.  I do not think it is NetBSD's place to tell Emmanuel what he may
or may not do with his own machines on his own network.

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