Subject: Re: In-Kernel Keyboard maps
To: None <>
From: Jernej Kovacic <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/08/2005 08:42:29

I am the author of kern/29615. I am still a NetBSD n00b and exploring
by guessing foreign keymaps is indeed annoying.

I did exactly what wscons FAQ says:

>If your favourite keymap is not supported, you can start digging in
>sys/dev/wscons/wsksymdef.h and sys/dev/pckbc/wskbdmap_mfii.c  to make your
>own. Be sure to send-pr a change-request PR with your work, so others can make 
>use of it!

and until now I didn't even know about userland keymaps. I guess this
is what Hungarians did at 11457, right?

If I do the userland keymap, should I just submit it into PR and it'll
be included into next release?

Those character codes like 'apostrophe', 'asciitilde' etc., are they
from wsksymdef.h with stripped prefix KS_ ?
