Subject: Re: execve call from Linux emul to NetBSD native problem ?
To: None <>
From: Vincent Habchi <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/24/2003 21:41:15
der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA> dixit :

Der Mouse oder der Maus ? :)

> > The "offending" lines look like this :
> > #export OPERA_LD_PRELOAD
> > Stange enough, this seems to both setenv OPERA_LD_PRELOAD and
> > LD_PRELOAD to (nil), that is to say "" or (char *) 0 :)
> First, those lines are comments, so they shouldn't set anything to
> anything.  Second, "" and (char *)0 are not at all the same thing -
> the former is[%] a pointer to a byte containing zero; the latter is a
> nil pointer-to-char, a pointer that does not point to anything.

Those lines are comments because I commented them out. :)

As for the remark about "" and (char *) 0, you're right. I should have
written '\000' instead.

Salut les rongeurs !