Subject: Re: ieee1394 SCSI support?
To: James Chacon <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/01/2002 11:57:12
	Hello James.  That would be great.  I'll look for it and 
try it out.  Where does the locking problem show up?  I'll see if I can
reproduce it and, perhaps, find a cure?

On Nov 1,  5:46pm, James Chacon wrote:
} Subject: Re: ieee1394 SCSI support?
} <ducks>
} Yes...I need to check in the initial stuff. It'll probe the drive and get
} back an inquiry but then I had a locking issue I haven't had time to get back
} to. 
} I will check it in this weekend...
} James
} >
} >On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 02:58:44PM +0000, Ben Harris wrote:
} >
} > > In article <> you write:
} > > >	Hello folks.  It looks like someone has been working on, but not
} > > >yet finished, support for SCSI devices via the ieee1394 `firewire`
} > > >interface.  I'd really like to see this work, and I'd be willing to put
} > > >some time into making it work.  Is there any similar framework I can use to
} > > >give myself a template?  
} > > 
} > > I suspect the umass driver in sys/dev/usb/umass* is probably the closest
} > > thing we've currently got to what you want.  The FreeBSD firewire code might
} > > also be worth a look.
} >
} >James Chacon has mostly working 1394 SCSI support ... but he hasn't checked
} >it in yet -- I guess he's been too busy to finish up the nits?
} >
} >-- 
} >        -- Jason R. Thorpe <>
} >
} >
} >
} >
>-- End of excerpt from James Chacon