Subject: Re: /dev/clock pseudodevice
To: Frederick Bruckman <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/01/2001 21:46:36
On Wed, 1 Aug 2001, Frederick Bruckman wrote:
> > I *never* want ntpd to make time appear to jump backwards.
> I think there is a compile-time option for that (in the portable
> release). You're not suggesting that be the default?

For now, I was just trying to refute the argument that ntpd would be
unable to work in an environment where the kernel did not allow
stepping the clock backwards.  I am not suggesting that SLEW_ALWAYS
should be the default, but I would probably always want it myself.

> Are you in luck! With not quite released ntp 4.1, you can adjust
> the panic threshold in the "ntp.conf" file. Your request is met
> by putting "tinker panic 5", "tinker panic 300", or something in
> between, as the first line of that file (and adding "ntpd_flags=-x" to
> "/etc/rc.conf"). [If "tinker" isn't in current yet, you can install
> the package and adjust the paths in "/etc/rc.d/ntpd".]

That's great!

--apb (Alan Barrett)